NFT PUZZLE – Technical Analysis, Energy Consumption, and Environmental Compensation Strategy

NFT ART – CO₂ Compensation

1. General Introduction

The 'NFT PUZZLE' project operates on the Polygon Blockchain network, a leading platform based on the EVM that, thanks to the PoS consensus mechanism, ensures high scalability and low transaction fees. Despite Polygon's efficiency, each transaction results in a measurable CO₂ consumption. This document aims to quantify the environmental impact, contextualize energy consumption, and define an environmental compensation strategy through tree planting (Eusto Bundle).

2. Analysis of Polygon's Energy Consumption and Transaction Impact

2.1 The Polygon Network and the EVM

Polygon uses an EVM-based architecture, offering smart contracts and decentralized applications with low costs and high efficiency thanks to the PoS mechanism.

2.2 Total Energy Consumption and Emissions

Technical studies estimate that each transaction on Polygon consumes about 7 g of CO₂. With 5,000 transactions per year, the total annual consumption is approximately 35 kg of CO₂.

2.3 Distribution of Consumption

Daily: ~96 g of CO₂; Monthly: ~2.92 kg of CO₂.

3. Calculation of CO₂ Emissions for the 'NFT PUZZLE' Project

3.1 Operating Parameters

Emission per transaction: 7 g of CO₂; Annual volume: 5,000 transactions; Analysis period: 10 years.

3.2 Calculation of Total Emissions

Annual: 5,000 × 7 g = 35 kg of CO₂; Over 10 years: 35 kg × 10 = 350 kg of CO₂.

4. Environmental Compensation Mechanisms Through Trees

4.1 Fundamentals of Compensation

Trees absorb CO₂ through photosynthesis, helping to reduce the impact of atmospheric emissions.

4.2 Absorption Data and Lifespan of the Species

a) Avocado – Persea americana Mill: Lifespan ~40 years, average annual absorption: ~20 kg of CO₂ (Estimated total: 800 kg of CO₂).

b) Ice-Cream Bean – Inga edulis: Lifespan ~30 years, average annual absorption: ~15 kg of CO₂ (Estimated total: 450 kg of CO₂).

c) African Olive – Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata: Lifespan ~50 years, average annual absorption: ~10 kg of CO₂ (Estimated total: 500 kg of CO₂).

5. Compensation Strategies for the 'NFT PUZZLE' Project

5.1 Compensation Objective

To offset the total emissions of 350 kg of CO₂ over 10 years, while integrating additional environmental benefits.

5.2 The 'Eusto Bundle' Approach

The 'Eusto Bundle' involves planting 3 trees in 3 different countries, ensuring diversification, resilience, and environmental benefits (CO₂ absorption, soil improvement) as well as socio-economic advantages (food security, community support).

5.3 Compensation Tables

Technical data regarding the tree species are presented, along with a comparison between the project's emissions and the compensation capacity offered by each species.

6. Energy and Environmental Impact of the Blockchain: An Integrated Perspective

6.1 Energy Consumption of the Polygon Network

Polygon, thanks to the PoS mechanism and EVM architecture, is among the most efficient blockchains. However, each transaction results in a measurable environmental impact.

6.2 The Contribution of a Single Transaction

Each transaction contributes about 7 g of CO₂, resulting in a cumulative impact observable on a daily, monthly, and annual basis.

6.3 The Impossibility of a Completely Green Blockchain

Currently, no blockchain is entirely 'green'. The use of leading platforms such as Polygon therefore necessitates the adoption of environmental compensation strategies.

7. Socio-Environmental Benefits and an Integrated Vision

7.1 Direct Environmental Benefits

The selected tree species absorb CO₂, improve air quality, prevent soil erosion, and promote biodiversity.

7.2 Socio-Economic Benefits and Food Security

Tree planting generates socio-economic benefits, such as food security (e.g. nutritious fruits, oil production) and new income opportunities for local communities.

8. Conclusions and Future Prospects

8.1 Summary of Technical and Environmental Results

The analysis shows an impact of 350 kg of CO₂ over 10 years, while the 'Eusto Bundle' offers compensation capacities significantly exceeding this value.

8.2 Integrated Strategic Vision

Using a leading blockchain such as Polygon, combined with environmental compensation strategies, represents the most responsible and sustainable choice to mitigate environmental impact.

8.3 Recommendations and Long-Term Monitoring

It is recommended to annually monitor tree health, implement agronomic maintenance programs, and adopt additional strategies to reduce the project's overall energy consumption.

9. Final Conclusions

The detailed analysis shows that, despite Polygon's efficiency, the 'NFT PUZZLE' project produces about 350 kg of CO₂ over 10 years. The adoption of the 'Eusto Bundle' not only compensates for the emissions but also brings environmental, social, and economic benefits, representing the best solution for an ecological and resilient future.